Saturday, June 9, 2012

Week 2

Here are my three favorite shots from this week--the rest are posted on fotothing: sdmurphy

The first is of a cemetery crypt in Noank Cemetery; The second is of an abandoned house in New London; and the third is of the Hooker School in New Haven.


  1. My favorite is the middle shot, Susan... Nice going. be careful about not over relying on cropping to do your design work for you... much better is to see the design when you shoot it and move your self in, or adjust your zoom.

    The middle shot is all about the light.

  2. Thanks, Jerry! I did rely on cropping (obviously!), but I felt restricted with the camera I'm using. It's not as versatile as my nikon, the zoom isn't as big and the macro on this one is awful. I'm going to try to borrow a friend's nikon digital slr for this week's assignment.

  3. I also really enjoy the middle shot. The light is incredible. I feel as though there is the perfect amount of image inside the area.
