Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Week 2 Assignment - Take Two!

After re-reading the assignment, I decided to take a few different shots around Hamden that have more of an urban feel. I concentrated on the lighting and trying to tell some sort of story. Oh, and I threw in a few of my cat. Here are my two favorites, even though they are not really 'urban'. The rest are in my fotothing account.


  1. I love the pictures you took. The picture of the tree, or log, is simple but yet says so much! Great job!! Love it!

  2. The bottom shot fits the bill nicely... I like the contrast of texture and form between the bench and the rope... The idea this week is to use structure(s) reflechtions, man made shapes of all kinds, glass, street corners, steel, sidewalks, manhole covers... the list is endless... to consciously design and structure the objects in the frame.

    The top one is for a future assignment. One thing to watch out for with the top shot is not to include the sky... see how it gets all "blown out"? The edges of the frame are very important to any composition. See how in the bottom one, the slats of the bench are parallel to the edge of the frame? That's a very important part of the artist's design intention.
