Sunday, July 8, 2012


I was not able to use my friends good Nikon Digital SLR this week, so I had to use a Kodak point and shoot. It's macro function was not that great, so here's what I was able to come up with. I think both of these would have been great pics had the macro ability (and maybe the photographer's! ha!) been better.


  1. I love the radial symmetry of the bottom one... It's just not sharp as the focus is behind your focal point. Did you make sure you set the camera to macro mode? Also, press the shutter button half way down to wait for the focus to catch up before pressing the button the rest of the way. The Kodak should be up to the task...

  2. The Kodak should be up to the task... remember to set the camera to macro mode.. it won't do it by itself... and to push the shutter button half way down to give the camera time to focus before pressing the whole way to release the shutter.

    The radial symmetry in the 2nd one is very good... a pity though it isn't sharp!
